Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Make Christmas Count... Fundraiser!!


Please help me help Xander- he has the sweetest face:

I know I ask for a lot ..but you can also see how many of these babies have found their forever families..how many who have been saved...and you can help..with $5-- by sharing...by praying...by educating as many people as you know about the orphans who are still waiting....

Go to the blog above-- tweet about him...blog about him...share his beautiful face on facebook & donate any amount that you can :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dani,
    I was compiling a list today on Mission iPossible for a Pre-Qualified Candidates thing, as I am about to start a third giveaway, and I realized I do not have an e-mail address for you. Can you send me one to kenlilly@blogzilly.com so that I can have you on the pre-qualified list, or did you get an iPad for E-V already?
