Please help me help Xander- he has the sweetest face:
I know I ask for a lot ..but you can also see how many of these babies have found their forever many who have been saved...and you can help..with $5-- by educating as many people as you know about the orphans who are still waiting....
Go to the blog above-- tweet about about him...share his beautiful face on facebook & donate any amount that you can :)
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
My Christmas Wish....
I am Abigail9HA Christmas warrior....
If I could win the lottery and fund as many adoptions for these beautiful children that are waiting...waiting...and waiting...I truly would..
But snap back into reality DANI as those chances are few and far between...but until we can figure out a way ...we must keep showing as many people out there all of these beautiful babies waiting..we need to keep sharing their stories..their pictures...scrambling together and donating every extra penny we can ...& praying /hoping someday these children waiting will know what it's like to have a family that loves them, takes care of them and shares them with the rest of us who are not in the position to adopt..I know I can do something and that's to continue to raise continue to educate people I know about the wonders of Reeces Rainbow : Reece's Rainbow
There are so many wonderful Christmas Warriors out there and I am very proud to know a few : ):Funding Christmas Angels 2011 who are new to this scene but have picked up very well...these are a couple- my niece Denaze & her boyfriend Stephen who have opened their hearts to the world of Down syndrome..although I can't imagine why..but I think it has to do with a certain special little gal ..
and how she has the ability to melt every heart she meets...
For E-V we stand together ..
For E-V we think of many ideas to fundraise
For E-V we open our hearts to other children with different abilities
For E-V we make a stance to change the way our children are viewed " we are more alike then different"
For E-V we stay up endless nights trying to brainstorm a way to help as many orphans as we can..
For E-V is why were are here standing together on this mission to help children who someday will have a loving family..
Please keep in mind if you know of anyone that can help...that can donate..please send them our way..
Don't forget to order your blanket--part of the proceeds get donated directly to: Ollie, Daniel3G & Abigail9HA
If I could win the lottery and fund as many adoptions for these beautiful children that are waiting...waiting...and waiting...I truly would..
But snap back into reality DANI as those chances are few and far between...but until we can figure out a way ...we must keep showing as many people out there all of these beautiful babies waiting..we need to keep sharing their stories..their pictures...scrambling together and donating every extra penny we can ...& praying /hoping someday these children waiting will know what it's like to have a family that loves them, takes care of them and shares them with the rest of us who are not in the position to adopt..I know I can do something and that's to continue to raise continue to educate people I know about the wonders of Reeces Rainbow : Reece's Rainbow
There are so many wonderful Christmas Warriors out there and I am very proud to know a few : ):Funding Christmas Angels 2011 who are new to this scene but have picked up very well...these are a couple- my niece Denaze & her boyfriend Stephen who have opened their hearts to the world of Down syndrome..although I can't imagine why..but I think it has to do with a certain special little gal ..
and how she has the ability to melt every heart she meets...
For E-V we stand together ..
For E-V we think of many ideas to fundraise
For E-V we open our hearts to other children with different abilities
For E-V we make a stance to change the way our children are viewed " we are more alike then different"
For E-V we stay up endless nights trying to brainstorm a way to help as many orphans as we can..
For E-V is why were are here standing together on this mission to help children who someday will have a loving family..
Please keep in mind if you know of anyone that can help...that can donate..please send them our way..
Don't forget to order your blanket--part of the proceeds get donated directly to: Ollie, Daniel3G & Abigail9HA
Friday, September 23, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
E-V's 3rd Birthday hooray!!!
We will back track to my 20th week of pregnancy when my doctor called to tell me what she saw in my 20 week ultrasound..she saw our baby girl with a condition called " hydrops"..and if you ask anyone...that condition is pretty much fatal..I think I cried for two weeks after that diagnosis...I prayed every chance I got-- I had genetics counselors..dr's..all saying you can terminate..we can do an amnio and see exactly what chromesome disorder she has and we can't find why she has hydrops..i guess there are hundreds of reasons why and all the ones that had ways to be fixed we tested negative for..but wait I saw her little body on the screen (so she looked like snoopy with her little extended belly) but she was my snoopy..Please God don't take her from me..we had people praying for her from Ireland to India from almost every state in the US..all my sisters told our mom told our story and all our friends..and I thank God for all those people who prayed with matter what religion ..what faith..denomination..they prayed for our little girl..which meant the world to me...
We will back track even further to numerous conversations that Jesse & I had that we werent going to have any children together and that was ok..we were ok with that...until E-V...
Savana went with me to my initial ultrasound to see how far along i was..the technician first thought it was my 16 year old daughter at the time having the baby..then he spent the whole appointment trying to make up for what he said and explaining how his mother had him at an "older age" (gotta love that term) ...once i knew..i never looked back..
I didn't even tell my family sisters that I was going to have a baby until January..I think I was in shock...we were called to an emergency visit to California to say goodbye to my dad..his doc had only given him a few days to ..great so emergency tickets we got...i finally told my sister Roann...her family, my sister Shelly and as we all drove from the airport we called my mom ...and she got the "guess who's making you a grandma again" ...yeah you guessed name came "never" was she dad was happy but sad he wouldnt be around ( or so his dr was telling him)
I went twice a month for level two ultrasounds...refused an amnio..and just asked if she was in any kind of that would be something i couldnt handle..
we had good readings and not so good ones of course...when I was 8 months pregnant..i thought phew we made it this far..we are going to be ok..then one of the ob's decided to tell me I was at a high risk for a still born case I hadnt realized that..
we did non stress tests and fluid checks bi weekly for the last month...and finally my c section was scheduled because baby E-V decided she would turn herself upside down (breach) and never turn the opposite way : )..I wouldnt let anyone buy me anything because I never heard the words.."she will be ok" I can honestly say that until they took me into the operating room at 11:00 am Friday June 6thand at 11:15 am they said " we have her" until I heard E-V cry ..half my heart believed she wasnt going to make it...she bellowed..i saw them carry her over..Jesse cut the cord and she looked beautiful..they said she looks great..Jesse and I both sobbed with tears of joy...and off she went to the NICU so they could check her out...
E-V was born with three small holes in her heart, she spent a week in the NICU- they needed to regulate her oxygen with a canular, she had some fluid in her lungs from the c section and her glucose was low...
She weighed in at 9lbs and 3 oz...19 inches long...with lots of hair..the nurses loved her :)
We loved her...
Fast forward to 3 years more holes in her heart (they healed on their own)
shes walking..trying to say things...she never stops amazing me..yesterday she got up on the step stool and climbed into her high chair..she almost has going up & down the stairs mastered (she knows where to hold on)..she can imitate from 5-7 different Barney DVD's and the songs..we watch her..she listens to what song it is and does what the kids do while watching herself in a mirror..the reflection in the stove...E-V always makes sure the refrigerator door, car door any door is shut once she notices its open...we are so happy at all the things she "can" do : )
Oh and her grandfather/papa actually stuck around past her first we took a trip to see him his grandaughter that he never thought he would see..we got to spend a few months with him before he passed away..I thank God every day we moved back to California to have that opportunity..
Happy birthday" our little angel E-V" you are one of the greatest blessing in our make me believe there are angels walking on this earth....
Sunday, April 10, 2011
April showers bring May flowers .......
I have been very busy...and not too much time to update my post...but I know I have to ..considering MY WARRIOR GIRLS --Harper & Jaclyn from Reece's Rainbow now have a family --"The Hannons"!!!! how cool is that?--we are having a bake sale at work on the 15th for these two little beauties --our hope is to get these guys off to a running start :)..please congratulate their new family and follow/share their blog:
Harper & Jaclyns new family
Our friends at ""to love the unloved" let me pick the family of the month for their fundraising in the month of April..and guess who I picked? you got it ... my little buddy Sergey T and his new family to be the awesome Farleys : ) please follow their blog..share their link and donate when you can (my button is right there -->):
The Farley kids: Sergey T
I have been tweeting & retweeting, posting and reposting about many of the angels waiting on Reece's Rainbow--. waiting for families.. every night that goes by and they do not have a family committed to them-- is a weight on my of the angels waiting is a beautiful little girl..waiting for her forever family...her name is Josephine ..she is so pretty and her picture cries out ..please someone help me:
She has $197 in her adoption fund so far.. Girl, Born December 2005
Josephine is a beautiful, high functioning, mobile, active, affectionate, intelligent little girl.
From her caregivers: talks a lot but not very understandable; understands direct speaking to her; has independent living skills, active, communicative, may retell a short story, knows names of animals.
More photos available, married couples only.
There are so many just like her just waiting...waiting....
My hopes and prayers are that the more people that find out about Reece's Rainbow.. they will find it in their hearts to try to help these children some way some how...

Now the reason I started my little angel girl E-V who is approaching the big "3" in June...we have started the IEP process in one school district..then we will be transferring to another as we are planning ourto move... E-V always amazes me...when the therapists go through the questions of things she can or can't do ...its always great to throw in all of the extra she is trying to imitate her big sister dancing..which is the cutest thing in the she raises her hands in the air....and at one point even decided she was going to try to "drop it low" imitates almost move for move certain songs/moves on various Barney video's...she doesnt even have to look at it and will be doing exactly what they are doing on the tv..hows that for memory skills? hehe...she tries to hop so hard...and even started making a sound that sounds like she is trying to say "hop..hop.hop" like they do in the Barney circus video...We have a childrens songs CD and as we drive to various appointments for her..we usually play this CD...which has amusing children songs...she loves :"Molly has a dolly who was sick ..sick..sick."..and copies various animal sounds she hears in the songs..its very cute...As we drive and all three of us adults are singing along..I always think at that time..we are like a movie I have seen where the family sings show tunes everywhere they drove me smile anyways...and can hardly wait for the day when she is singing along with us :) E-V loves to climb on things..shes our monkey...climbs on the coffee table...into her rocking chair..has tried to climb out of her pack and play (not successful yet luckily)...climbed into her sisters clothes tote and proceeded to climb out the other side..she was so funny..She has become more interested in playing with her gumball toy..she knows how to get the gumballs out by pulling the handle and also knows to put them back in the top so she can do it all over again..We have cool bath paints..where she can hug colors together ( I think I have more fun then she does) but she enjoys smooshing the colors together...She has really enjoyed having her big sister here and I have also...her favorite game with big sissy is pointing to her nose..and then she has to go around the room and point to everyone elses nose.. (and to think on her 6 month review we just got from her therapy place--- "can not identify body parts" hmm interesting... :) I have included a few updated pics of my littlest angel and the reason I have an interest in the children at Reece's Rainbow..she has inspired me..she has opened a door that I would have never gone through if I didn't have her...she is one of the biggest blessings in my life...both my girls are..both bringing to me more joy then one person could ever ask for .....
Harper & Jaclyns new family
Our friends at ""to love the unloved" let me pick the family of the month for their fundraising in the month of April..and guess who I picked? you got it ... my little buddy Sergey T and his new family to be the awesome Farleys : ) please follow their blog..share their link and donate when you can (my button is right there -->):
The Farley kids: Sergey T
I have been tweeting & retweeting, posting and reposting about many of the angels waiting on Reece's Rainbow--. waiting for families.. every night that goes by and they do not have a family committed to them-- is a weight on my of the angels waiting is a beautiful little girl..waiting for her forever family...her name is Josephine ..she is so pretty and her picture cries out ..please someone help me:

Josephine is a beautiful, high functioning, mobile, active, affectionate, intelligent little girl.
From her caregivers: talks a lot but not very understandable; understands direct speaking to her; has independent living skills, active, communicative, may retell a short story, knows names of animals.
More photos available, married couples only.
There are so many just like her just waiting...waiting....
My hopes and prayers are that the more people that find out about Reece's Rainbow.. they will find it in their hearts to try to help these children some way some how...
E-V Alexandria Powell 6/6/08

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
My Two Warrior Girls : )
The best news is that my friend Sergey T has a forever family committed to him.. you can find them here: . Please be sure to donate when you can..keep sharing their blog so they can bring that little cutie home the sooner the better...
So with that said I volunteered to try to help out a couple more cuties..who currently have "0" in their adoption funds..I will be their "warrior" until someone commits to adopting them....their pictures aren't the greatest but they are the cutest.....<3<3
Please help me build their adoption funds!!!
We are already planning a bake sale at APC Costa Mesa ..all the proceeds will be split between the two girls...hoping someone will have an incentive to adopt them as sisters...
Harper will be turning 3 on March 31, 2011...i so wished she would be able to have a big 3rd birthday party...
Jaclyn turned 3 on January 28, 2011..
boy didn't she deserve to have the biggest "3rd" Princess birthday party ever?
This now brings me to another heavy weight on my heart.....not only are there angels dying while they wait..while they wait for someone to find them...while they wait for the funds to be raised..the paperwork to be processed...they wait...imagine what it is like for them? no hugs kiss on the cheek just because..or when they are sick no one to cuddle them and make them feel better..this is really a serious issue..i post about it daily on my Facebook..I will continue to blog about it..and if you are sick of reading about it..then you probably want to drop me as a friend...because I am one voice..but a voice they need..with my sharing their pictures..there is that chance that the one person who is thinking about adopting...wanting just one more child..will see one of these pictures and say "that is my child" or they will have a friend who has been wanting to help out and donate but is not sure what cause to donate too..send them to read about Reece's Rainbow...I have a personal vindication to this cause...I could never imagine E-V in one of those places..not knowing how much her family loves her...
Kirill's family
Baby J for the Moreno's
Lera's family,
Angelines new family,
Praying for little Carrington
I will keep adding blog links..and prayer requests ....
So with that said I volunteered to try to help out a couple more cuties..who currently have "0" in their adoption funds..I will be their "warrior" until someone commits to adopting them....their pictures aren't the greatest but they are the cutest.....<3<3
![]() |
Cutie pie!! |
We are already planning a bake sale at APC Costa Mesa ..all the proceeds will be split between the two girls...hoping someone will have an incentive to adopt them as sisters...
Harper will be turning 3 on March 31, 2011...i so wished she would be able to have a big 3rd birthday party...
![]() | ||||||
So adorable |
Jaclyn turned 3 on January 28, 2011..
boy didn't she deserve to have the biggest "3rd" Princess birthday party ever?
This now brings me to another heavy weight on my heart.....not only are there angels dying while they wait..while they wait for someone to find them...while they wait for the funds to be raised..the paperwork to be processed...they wait...imagine what it is like for them? no hugs kiss on the cheek just because..or when they are sick no one to cuddle them and make them feel better..this is really a serious issue..i post about it daily on my Facebook..I will continue to blog about it..and if you are sick of reading about it..then you probably want to drop me as a friend...because I am one voice..but a voice they need..with my sharing their pictures..there is that chance that the one person who is thinking about adopting...wanting just one more child..will see one of these pictures and say "that is my child" or they will have a friend who has been wanting to help out and donate but is not sure what cause to donate too..send them to read about Reece's Rainbow...I have a personal vindication to this cause...I could never imagine E-V in one of those places..not knowing how much her family loves her...
Kirill's family
Baby J for the Moreno's
Lera's family,
Angelines new family,
Praying for little Carrington
I will keep adding blog links..and prayer requests ....
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
March ...March...March....we must move forward ....................: )

We are currently looking for a larger place to live--one where there is a good school district for Miss E-V..the challenge begins..but with the help of some of our close Cali friends we should find something in no time.
Facebook has been a very busy place for all of the wonderful families who have stepped up and committed to saving these beautiful children on Reece's Rainbow.
I have attached a few buttons to the right side of my blog
Here are only a few of the families ...trying so hard to meet their financial goals....
The Higbies:
Saving Lera The Moreno's (traveling very soon)
Baby J here they come...The Saders:
Final blog/fundraiser to bring Melanie homeThe Kehms:
Lets get Peter home as soon as possibleThe Abells
Saving OlgaMegan Meier
Saving SophiaTaryn Seybold
VikaThese are only a few of the families waiting to adopt-- trying to raise the funds necessary to start their journey.
Please blog about them..share their blogs on facebook...donate if you can....
Here are a few of the sweet faces still waiting for their families: 3-5 age group...they are still in baby house but are going to be moved to an institution...lets save them from that fate....
Jillian- 14g
Kyle- 14g
Friday, February 4, 2011
We can do this we can save "one orphan at a time" - please help us
I know this isn't my normal blog regime : ) but this is something that I feel so compelled to do-- please promise me you won't go to sleep at night without saying a prayer for all of the waiting children-- you are aware of all of these children now..waiting...just waiting...its now up to you to help me help them..don't say you can't because all of us together...yes "we can"-- we can save them all...we can do this...if we all stick together and work on this constantly..
This is Sergey T..he is two years old..he has never had a family..he is the most adorable thing I have ever seen and would make a great little brother...big brother...all he wants is to be loved..won't you help me help him? Donate to his adoption fund...
My little Valentine waiting for his forever family "Sergey Boo"
Then we have our little friend Peter who has been waiting so patiently for someone to ask about love him and want him..."A Perfect Lily" has an awesome blog about him and how we can help save him. His fund is increasing by the minute...and if we can truly get him fully funded we can find his forever family I am confident. Please visit this blog--donate to help save Peters life--and have a chance to win some awesome prizes and most of all help Peter find a family <3 <3
this is going to be a long blog....
We can't forget the fabulous four at "To Love the Unloved" they are doing some awesome things--
they exceeded their goals for last months orphan & family who is adopting of the month. They have a new family and a new orphan this month..if you donate you have the chance to nominate a family & orphan for next awesome is that? the first day of February their orphan of the month Lorie received a $100 donation right off the bat..lets help them keep this going...
There are so many many business trying to help --these little angels-- waiting for their forever homes- their moms, dads, big brothers, little sisters, cousins
...we need more...we need more help ...we need to get these children fully funded so their forever families can scoop them up and save them...we need more people like Michelle :) who is trying to make a living selling her beautiful jewelry creations but STILL takes a portion and donates to Reece's Rainbow...she is her DS Jewelry and a portion of your sale goes to RR waiting angels.
~ A portion of our sales will be donated to Reece's Rainbow, a 501(c)3 adoption grant ministry which seeks to find families for the most vulnerable of orphans throughout the world and also to help the families once they have committed to adopt to raise funds to assist with adoption costs.
I guess I will end my blog with what has inspired me to start this journey to help with what I can..well there are two reasons I am inspired...the first of course is E-V born 6/6/08 --despite all the odds against her--all of the negativity we were given...9lbs 3 oz 19 inches and growing like a weed..she will be 3 in June - we will have a big celebration..celebrating her life--the love she gives everyone she meets..her uniqueness...her strength...all the new friends she has brought into our lives and the fact that she is constantly showing us all the things she "can do" :
Reeces Rainbow..I really don't know how I found the website but I have been watching it for a few years..picking out the four children I would love to bring into our family ..if we had a house (we are renting a small condo because that is all thats affordable at the moment)...if we had the financial stability(just mama working).... until we can get there.. I will continue to do what I can and that is share the links to Reece's Rainbow..donate even $5 per paycheck..share pictures of the children who are facing the institution and remind you ..that like me you can help in some way ...some form and together we can save them I am sure of it...
All of the children below are between 3 and 5 years of age(there are so many more- visit the page). "They are all facing imminent institutionalization! The closer they get to the age of 4, the more dismal their hope is of being adopted at all. These are the children who do not have the "luxury" of sitting around and waiting to be chosen.
They are truly living on borrowed time"
There are so many more...waiting...just waiting...
blog about their beautiful faces to everyone you know..
This is Sergey T..he is two years old..he has never had a family..he is the most adorable thing I have ever seen and would make a great little brother...big brother...all he wants is to be loved..won't you help me help him? Donate to his adoption fund...
![]() |
Sergey T |
Then we have our little friend Peter who has been waiting so patiently for someone to ask about love him and want him..."A Perfect Lily" has an awesome blog about him and how we can help save him. His fund is increasing by the minute...and if we can truly get him fully funded we can find his forever family I am confident. Please visit this blog--donate to help save Peters life--and have a chance to win some awesome prizes and most of all help Peter find a family <3 <3
this is going to be a long blog....
We can't forget the fabulous four at "To Love the Unloved" they are doing some awesome things--
they exceeded their goals for last months orphan & family who is adopting of the month. They have a new family and a new orphan this month..if you donate you have the chance to nominate a family & orphan for next awesome is that? the first day of February their orphan of the month Lorie received a $100 donation right off the bat..lets help them keep this going...
There are so many many business trying to help --these little angels-- waiting for their forever homes- their moms, dads, big brothers, little sisters, cousins
...we need more...we need more help ...we need to get these children fully funded so their forever families can scoop them up and save them...we need more people like Michelle :) who is trying to make a living selling her beautiful jewelry creations but STILL takes a portion and donates to Reece's Rainbow...she is her DS Jewelry and a portion of your sale goes to RR waiting angels.
~ A portion of our sales will be donated to Reece's Rainbow, a 501(c)3 adoption grant ministry which seeks to find families for the most vulnerable of orphans throughout the world and also to help the families once they have committed to adopt to raise funds to assist with adoption costs.
I guess I will end my blog with what has inspired me to start this journey to help with what I can..well there are two reasons I am inspired...the first of course is E-V born 6/6/08 --despite all the odds against her--all of the negativity we were given...9lbs 3 oz 19 inches and growing like a weed..she will be 3 in June - we will have a big celebration..celebrating her life--the love she gives everyone she meets..her uniqueness...her strength...all the new friends she has brought into our lives and the fact that she is constantly showing us all the things she "can do" :
Reeces Rainbow..I really don't know how I found the website but I have been watching it for a few years..picking out the four children I would love to bring into our family ..if we had a house (we are renting a small condo because that is all thats affordable at the moment)...if we had the financial stability(just mama working).... until we can get there.. I will continue to do what I can and that is share the links to Reece's Rainbow..donate even $5 per paycheck..share pictures of the children who are facing the institution and remind you ..that like me you can help in some way ...some form and together we can save them I am sure of it...
"Reece's Rainbow "Our Most “At Risk” Children""
They are truly living on borrowed time"
There are so many more...waiting...just waiting...
blog about their beautiful faces to everyone you know..
Friday, January 14, 2011
A New Day...
So wow a good friend of mind reminded me that I havent written in quite awhile (thanks Denise) I won't mention any names...hehe..
So in turn my blog is dedicated to her "Denise"
Every time I have the chance to meet up with Denise, Ella and family they give me such a dose of encouragement, love, faith & hope .. I was trying to think back when I first contacted Denise- it was in June--this is the email that i sent to her:
and she responded:
We did go and visit Ella in the hospital in July at that time we were allowed to bring Jesse, E-V and I took a few different bus rides and made our way to CHOC to meet them. I can tell you when I first walked into her room I immediately knew how much I loved Ella and Denise...Denise is a very amazing person-- she talked with such a positive outlook on everything --and i know if that was me i would of been scared to death..if she was she sure didnt show it..
The girls were too cute..Jesse made them each a bandana dress..its funny because looking at pictures of all the kids online its very hard to judge sizes-heights etc and because they are so close in age you assume they would be close in size..Well at that time E-V was a good head taller then Ella..
I also realized at that time we both had two beautiful blonde haired blue eyed girls.. and I look back at these pics and say Wow they have really grown :)
We had a great visit i think we stayed for about 3 hours- the girls played with each other and moseyed around playing with Ella's toys on the was an awesome visit - an inspiring visit- a soul lifting visit..heart fulfilling visit.
WE were so happy that we got to spend time with two most favorite pics of that day are:
We have kept in touch via texting, facebook and of course (not by me blogging) but i have followed Ella's journey through Denise's blog. We would keep trying to coordinate times/dates to meet up again but a few fell through for different reasons.. so we had an opportunity at the last minute to meet up yesterday and since my New Years motto is "live for today" we drove to Temecula for a visit... I was looking forward to the girls being able to play in Denise's home, outside for a little bit and maybe grab some lunch if time permitted. Here are a few pics from our visit from yesterday:
A Child
We had an awesome visit!!
thanks Denise for inspiring me to write again
Its amazing to see our far the girls have come since our last visit..each have their own individual strengths and weaknesses that they are working on..both are such happy- loving little girls..and yet very typical 2 year olds : )
I wished I would of had the chance to take a picture of the best moment..Ella hugging E-V ..they hugged so hard they both fell over with E-V landing on top of Ella..both of them standing up with a boo boo lip/look on their face and within seconds both began playing with Ella's toys and everything was just fine.
Two very inspiring little girls..both are very amazing to me...we hope to continue our friendship and add to this blog with our next visit being a lot sooner then the past..and meeting up with more FB/blog families and new friends. I can't even tell you how great it is to have this friendship.
Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things. Author Unknown
So in turn my blog is dedicated to her "Denise"
Every time I have the chance to meet up with Denise, Ella and family they give me such a dose of encouragement, love, faith & hope .. I was trying to think back when I first contacted Denise- it was in June--this is the email that i sent to her:
Hi there- I found your blog thru heathers facebook page- kind of funny I noticed she lived in Camarillo...We live in Fountain Valley : ) I would love to meet you and meet Ella-- Our lil E-V will be 2 June 6... She was born with DS as well and one thing that is always in my mind is the chance she will develop leukemia.. If there is anything you need or anything I can do - please let me know : ) I know this must be very difficult for you and I admire your strength--I also admire the friends that have come forward to help you...we are relatively new to the area ---so even though I have been to a few of the DSAOC support group meetings - I really don't know too many people.. Please know that Ella will be in my prayers every day & night Dani |
Thanks for writing. You are very close to us here at CHOC. We actually live in Temecula but our new temporary home will be CHOC. I would love to meet you and hopefully someday your little E-V. They won't allow little ones in the hospital, but if you get a chance, I would love to meet you. And you can bring a picture of your daughter for Ella's wall. How exciting that they are so close in age. I just had a blog friend stop by the other night and she lives in the area and she said she does some activities with the DSAOC too and her daughter just turned 1 on March 29. Maybe you have already found her blog....Sweet Pea??? Do you have a blog??
I look forward to talking further with you.
DeniseWe did go and visit Ella in the hospital in July at that time we were allowed to bring Jesse, E-V and I took a few different bus rides and made our way to CHOC to meet them. I can tell you when I first walked into her room I immediately knew how much I loved Ella and Denise...Denise is a very amazing person-- she talked with such a positive outlook on everything --and i know if that was me i would of been scared to death..if she was she sure didnt show it..
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Ella is saying "ooh" and E-V's still chewing on the DVD |
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playing on the floor |
do you want to swap? cup for dvd |
I also realized at that time we both had two beautiful blonde haired blue eyed girls.. and I look back at these pics and say Wow they have really grown :)
We had a great visit i think we stayed for about 3 hours- the girls played with each other and moseyed around playing with Ella's toys on the was an awesome visit - an inspiring visit- a soul lifting visit..heart fulfilling visit.
WE were so happy that we got to spend time with two most favorite pics of that day are:
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peek a boo Ella |
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Dani & E-V ..Denise & Ella new friends |
We have kept in touch via texting, facebook and of course (not by me blogging) but i have followed Ella's journey through Denise's blog. We would keep trying to coordinate times/dates to meet up again but a few fell through for different reasons.. so we had an opportunity at the last minute to meet up yesterday and since my New Years motto is "live for today" we drove to Temecula for a visit... I was looking forward to the girls being able to play in Denise's home, outside for a little bit and maybe grab some lunch if time permitted. Here are a few pics from our visit from yesterday:
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E-V & Ella on the Dora couch reading Elmo watching Barney |
A Child
A child is like a butterfly in the wind
Some can fly higher than others,
But each one flies the best it can.
Why compare one against the other?
...Each one is different.
Each one is special.
Each one is beautiful.
Author Unknown
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buddy swing <3 |
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hmm what are we eating |
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im coming to get you |
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girls marching down the street |
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sun is too bright |
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wiped out |
We had an awesome visit!!
thanks Denise for inspiring me to write again
Its amazing to see our far the girls have come since our last visit..each have their own individual strengths and weaknesses that they are working on..both are such happy- loving little girls..and yet very typical 2 year olds : )
I wished I would of had the chance to take a picture of the best moment..Ella hugging E-V ..they hugged so hard they both fell over with E-V landing on top of Ella..both of them standing up with a boo boo lip/look on their face and within seconds both began playing with Ella's toys and everything was just fine.
Two very inspiring little girls..both are very amazing to me...we hope to continue our friendship and add to this blog with our next visit being a lot sooner then the past..and meeting up with more FB/blog families and new friends. I can't even tell you how great it is to have this friendship.
Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things. Author Unknown
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